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TICKETS - ADVANCED LIFT TICKET PURCHASES ARE AN OPTION AND SAVE YOU UP TO $5/TICKET. All Reservations need to be finished prior to midnight the day before your visit. 

Why? - To better manage our Capacity & Parking.  
Want peace-of-mind, or traveling a long distance to visit and want to guarantee you'll have a ticket regardless of what time you arrive. Then an Advanced Purchase of your lift tickets is the way to go. Be sure to 
finalize your purchase prior to midnight the day before you visit.  

LODGING RESERVATIONS - If your chosen lodging property has issued you one of our lift ticket vouchers that states it is valid over our holiday dates we will certainly honor it.

ADVANTAGE CARDS - Allow you to save $10 off the daily ticket rate but can not be used with our reservations system. Please arrive early which means by 8am to 9 am PST.

FREE SKI SCHOOL - If your child has a SEASON PASS you do not need to reserve alift ticket for your child. 
If you do not have a Season Pass - YES you should consider making an advanced purchase. Especially if you want to ski/ride with your child before or after your morning lesson. 
PAID SKI/RIDE SCHOOL PRIVATE LESSONS MADE BY RESERVATION - If you Reserved and Paid for a Lesson. We will count this as a Lift Ticket Reservation too. Others in your party that may not be taking a lesson might want to make an advance purchase.  
PARKING - We can not guarantee anyone a Parking spot at any time. How people park and at what time they arrive is pretty much out of our control. Please arrive early if you are redeeming an advanced purchase ticket. Our Ticket Window Staff will start issuing Lift Tickets as early as 8 am PST on weekends and holidays and 8:30 am midweek. Our Ticket kiosk can issue people with reservations a lift ticket provided they have your ticket receips barcode and scann the ticket or you manually enter the reservation number.
Our Peak One Quad Chairlift opens at 8:30 on Weekends & over our Holiday Periods. The Eagle Peak Quad open about 1/2 hour later and close at 2:30 pm

KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: As a result of the Covid-19 challenges we all endured - many changes were made to your arrival experience. Yes Covid did effect change - at ski areas all across the country. Some practices have changed at Ski Lookout Pass too. We want you to know these changes in RENTALS - TICKETS - LESSONS & PARKING so you can plan effectively to make the most of your days on snow. - See details below!
ENJOY: We look forward to welcoming you to the mountain. Over holiday period like Christmas, MLK & Presidents weekend any area worth their snow should be busy. It's no different here. So try to arrive early, enjoy our expanded parking and new heated sprung structure lodge. Please show patience and compassion when dealing with our staff and fellow guests. They are working the best they can to get you out on the mountain. 

RENTALS: Now opening at 8 am Weekends & holiday periods. Guests may encounter a waiting period outside prior to entering the building on busy days. If you're renting equipment please come and establish your position in line. Know you can also purchase your lift ticket at the same time you are getting your rentals in the rental building so go there first. 
TICKETS - ADVANCED PURCHASE FOR LIFT TICKETS NEED TO BE MADE before midnight the day before your visit. The system will not accept any orders after the reservation window has passed.  
That does not mean we are sold out - It just means that you can no longer make a reservation. 

To get a ticket for a Saturday you need to have finalized your ticket purchase no later than 11:59pm on the day before visiting. To reserve a ticket for a Sunday you need to reserve it no later than 7:59 am (PST) on Friday.
Why make an advanced purchase? It saves you money ~ $5/Ticket on single day purchases . It also helps us to plan for staffing and better manage our capacity & parking. This is one important change you should learn to work to your advantage as it offers peace-of-mind. Traveling a long distance to visit and wanting to guarantee you'll have a ticket set aside regardless of what time you arrive. Then purchasing your lift tickets in advance is the way to go. Be sure to 
finalize your reservations a minimum of 48hrs in advance of our 8 am opening for the day you want to visit. 
We'll have a supply of Lift Tickets available for sale at our Ticket Windows at the start of every day. Unlike most other ski areas in our market you can actually buy a lift ticket at the Lookout Pass ticket window every weekend & even on Holiday dates, and certainly anytime midweek.
PLEASE know all tickets are sold on a First-come - First-served basis. We know not everyone can plan ahead, and we want you to come out, enjoy the snow, and return time and time again. Please arrive early if this is your plan. Tickets go on sale at 8 am on most weekends & all Holiday periods, 8:30 am Midweek.
Midweek days have many more lift tickets available for walk up purchase as the demand is lower.  We always encourage you to plan your adventures midweek if you can. You'll enjoy having more of the mountain to yourself, fewer people, closer parking spots and lower prices midweek.  
SKI or SNOWBOARD LESSONSLesson availability is understandably limited over holiday periods and prime season weekends.  If you don't have a confirmed reservation we'll do what we can to accommodate your needs, but we may not be able to meet your specific time desires.
The lesson staff is understandably very busy each morning, so they may not be able to answer the phone or return most phone calls till later in the afternoon or even early evening. Please review our offerings on the website so you know what will work best for you. Call for Lesson early in the week for a weekend if you can. Then email or call 208.744.1301 for lesson availability. Leave a detailed message stating the date you want a lesson, the lesson type, age of participant(s) and if lesson is for a skier or snowboarder. We also encourage all guests to consider taking lessons midweek, non-holiday, when we will have more availability!
PARKING: Understandably choice spots will fill up early on weekend & holidays. We want to make the most of our parking so we ask that you park tight so as to not waste space between vehicles. If you have friends please carpool to save spaces and the environment. We also ask that you park where our parking attendants designate. Please look for their guidance when coming into the lot and show patience and respect. 
Why - You'll enjoy a very different, more relaxed and less crowded experience.