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Nov 01

11/1/2024 Ski Shack Hayden Season Pass Photos Taken And Passes Issued

11-1-2024 - Pick up your 24-25 SEASON PASS at Ski Shack Hayden

Join our Lookout Pass Season Pass Sales Team and enjoy shoping at Ski Shack in Hayden, ID. - Our Team will be there taking pictures and delivering Season Passes from 11a to 6p. 

Don't wait - get your Season Pass photo taken and walk away with your 24-25 Season Pass so you can go straight to the slopes on opening weekend. 

If not done already - Save Time BUY your Lookout Pass 24-25 SEASON PASS online a few days in advance. Lock in low rates and enjoy our 90th winter on snow in a La Nina Winer! 

Most of the trail on the front of the mountain & on the Chair 2 side have been mowed. So we're able to get slopes open earlier and offer a better experience this winter. 

We expanded our lower parking lot which will likely accomodate 150 more vehicles.  

We hope to see you there. 

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