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Through work on the Gear Box over the summer - the line speed on the Eagle Peak quad chairlift was speeded up. The chair will now operate at the manufacturers and states maximum speed of 450ft/min. This enhancement will make the ride 2.5 min faster than last winter. 


12-22-2022 The Eagle Peak Quad Chairlift is scheduled to run every day during the holiday period. Please monitor the Snow Report for any updates.


12-15-2022 - Official word came in from the US Forest Service that all systems are a go for a soft opening on Friday 12/16 at 1pm, & for our Grand Opening celebration on Sat. at 10am. 

Lift Crew will finish putting on seat pads and restraining bars Friday morning.

Staff installed the restraining bars on a number of carriers on 12-15. We'll be running the new Eagle Peak on 12-16-2022 for a soft opening, starting at 1pm. Official Lift Opening Day celebration will take place this weekend on Sat. at 10 am. 

12-15-2022 Guests admiring our new Eagle Peak Trail Maps. This one is located at the summit so visible from chair #1, #2 & #3.  

12-4-2022 - Hanging Carriers on the Eagle Peak Quad Chairlift.
The team started hanging carriers (AKA Quad chairs) on Sun. We have 155 carriers to load.
It will take around three days to complete. Load test is scheduled for Dec. 8th. 

12-4-2022 - Hanging Carriers on the Eagle Peak Quad Chairlift.

12-4-2022 - Cat Pulling The Carriers which were burried under the snow.

12-4-2022 - Positioning the Carrier onto the Haul Rope. 

12-4-2022 - Carriers rounding the Bull Wheel

12-4-2022 - Carriers Moving Up The Line!

11-28-2022 - Cable Splicing on Chair #5 Haul Rope.

11-28-2022 It takes a good team to do a splice right in these conditions - snowing & 11 degrees! 

11-28-2022 Cold Hard Steel Cable - Bend This! 

11-28-2022 Put your backs into it boys!

11-28-2022 Yes Hand Work Is Required to do it right! 

11-28-2022 Nice to have the right tools too apply tension! 

11-28-2022 Team Effort Required! 

11-28-2022 One Strand at a time. 

11-28-2022 For when you need to cut thru it all!

Next up Start Loading Carriers (quad chairs) onto the freshly spliced Haul Rope. Likely starting this task on Friday and will continue thru Sunday as there are 152 carriers. 
11-14-2022 Bottom Terminal with all Motor Controls arrived in the parking lot today as scheduled.
We got the the boom truck and two 16 wheelers down a snow covered back country access road and up into position on the slope to the bottom terminal location. Positioned the lift, leveled and then proceeded to lift the terminal and position it for installation. Enjoy a few shots that show you what the team was dealing with today.  
Next steps: Fasten it down tight, Drop in the Bullwheel,
Hook up all electricity in the motor control room.
Tension & Splice the Haul Rope. Test towers & sheeve trains for alignment and make any necessary adjustments. Run the haul rope for a few minutes, then start to hang Carriers. AKA (Lift Chairs). Load Test, then open to public. Look for a mid December Grand Opening announcement for The Eagle Peak Quad chairlift. 

11-14-2022 Lowering the Bottom Terminal into position. 

11-14-2022 Bolting down the Bottom Terminal. 
10-6-2022 Progress continues on the Eagle Peak Chair but hard to show anything interesting visually at this time. So Here are some photos showing the Expansion of the parking area. The Dirt from this expansion was hauled to the Success Slope and is being used to provide a much better and consistent grade to the learning slope. See Photos Below. 

10/3/2022 - This New Parking Area is located to the left of our Maintenance Shop, Ski Patroll Room and the Main Office. We should be able to fit 80 to 90 cars into this new lot.
In addition additional parking was created further down the Old RR Line.  

10/3/2022 - Dumping Fill from our excavation of additional parking to enhance the Success hills learning slope. You would be surprised at how many loads we moved there.  

10/6/2022 - Smoothing out all that new dirt. It's comming together nicely. 

10/6/2022 - Grading of the Success Lift Learning Hill continues. Enhancing the quality of the slope and the results will be more successful lessons, faster learning and happier students. 

9/27/2022 - Over 2 miles of cable arrived on a spool from Europe for the Eagle Peak Quad. 

9-19-2022 Eagle Peak Quad lift towers line the skiers right side of the new Thunderbird Trail with fixed crossarms with sheave train walkways and permanent lifting beams attached. Our Eagle Peak Quad Chairlift is starting to look much more like a lift. Lift will be coming online for winter 2022-23.  

9-19-2022 Hard work begins amungst the dust from the chopper. Grabbing the fixed crossarms with sheave train walkways and permanent lifting beams attached & guiding them into position to be bolted down to the top of the tower.

9-19-2022 Fixed crossarms with sheave train walkways and permanent lifting beams attached arive to the top of a newly installed tower.

9-19-2022 fixed crossarms with sheave train walkways and permanent lifting beams attached flying over the trails on way to Eagle Peak Quad Install.  

9-19-2022 Crew members on top of newly installed towers waiting on the delivery of the fixed crossarms with sheave train walkways and permanent lifting beams
 attached which are also being flown in by Helicopter.  

9-19-2022 Helicopter caries on of 25 towers over the mountain headed for installation to its concrete foothold on the steeper sections of Eagle Peak.

9-19-2022 Helicopter flying towers out of the base area headed for steeper sections of Eagle Peak.

9-17-2022 Top Terminal Concrete Form awaits motor controls & bullwheel.

9-17-2022 GM Brian Bressel & Phil Edholm - Admiring the views from Eagle Peak summit!

9-17-2022 Final Towers to be set & fixed crossarms with sheave train walkways and permanent lifting beams attached are all in position for helio transport to their final resting point on Eagle Peak.

9-17-2022 Fixed crossarms with sheave train walkways and permanent lifting beams
 attached are now ready for the flight.

9-15-2022 Fixed crossarms with permanent lifting beams
 along with Towers received their final coat of paint prior to transport.

9-17-2022 Logger loading trees for transport to market 

9-17-2022 Pictured here Eagles Flight & Eldorado Trails, with Thunderbird in upper left. 

Chopper hovering over the parking lot. 

Flying a load of Concrete to the backside.

Full bucket taking flight!

Ready and waiting on the chopper for a refill!

Ready and waiting on the chopper for a refill!

Perspective shows front side with Chair #1 & Chair #3 side in foreground, with the taller Eagle Peak in the background showing the trails on the chair 6 side of Eagle Peak! 

Below - Aug. 22, 2022 - 2nd Coat of paint being applied to the Chair 5 Eagle Peak Lift Towers. 

Aug. 22, 2022 - 2nd Coat of paint for Chair 5 Eagle Peak Lift Towers - Thanks Joey C.

Aug. 14, 2022 - Primer painting of Chair 5 Eagle Peak Lift Towers has started - Thanks Joey C.

Aug. 14, 2022 - Primer painting of Chair 5 Eagle Peak Lift Towers has started - Thanks Joey C.

Aug. 14, 2022 - Primer painting of Chair 5 Eagle Peak Lift Towers has started - Thanks Joey C.

Aug. 8, 2022 - Pouring Concrete for Bottom Terminal. Also poured the Top Terminal Today! 

Aug. 2, 2022 - Excavation Work Top & Bottom Terminal Infrastructure, Lift Line Survey Completed, More Trail Grading, Incredible Views Await. Photos showing progress to date!

Top Terminal Rebar Fabrication getting ready for concrete. 

Top Terminal View 2 slight side angle. 

Top Terminal narrow view - Pointing down the line. 

Tower Pad 25 - Awesome view down the mountain and looking at Chair #2 upgraded triple trails.

Tower #25 View up toward Top Terminal! 

Survey equipment confirming tower alignment locations. 

Base Terminal foundation work is getting deep! 

This CAT is making quick work of digging the Base Terminal foundation.

D7 Dozer - Smoothing out some of the new trails.  

Cory setting wheel bearings in the shop - Good work to escape the heat. 

Cody's team working on wheel bearings in the shop. 

Tower Pads in Position July 19, 2022 - Sky Trac Construction Team has been on site for a week or so. 
Lift Line Survey completed, Tower Placement Layouts done, Starting to Dig Tower Pad Forms, as well as top and bottom terminal pads. Few Photos to show progress to date! 

After Surveying the line and laying out locations for the Tower Pads the Sky Track team is digging the Top Termainal Pad. 

Top Terminal Pad being dug. Elevation 6,150ft. 

Bottom Termainal Construction by the Sky Trac Team - Showing Rebar Welding of the form that will become the center for cement column that will anchor the lift. 

Tower 2 Form fully constructed waiting to be moved into position. 

Summit Tower Forms waiting to be put into position.

After grading using a D7 Dozer in the hands of the skilled Lookout Pass team this slope has become much cleaner and smoother. 

Looking down on incredible views of the trails off Chair 2. Yes this expansion almost doubles the total acres we will be offering at Lookout Pass. We will now be offering 1,023 Acres of Skiing/Snowboarding. Our Lift lineup is now up to 5 Lifts mountain wide including; 2 Quad Chairs (Eagle Peak & Peak 1 Quad), our rebuilt Chair 2 which is now a fully functioning Triple, Chair 4 also a Triple chairlift that services our learning area and the Chair 3 double. 
Lots of significant improvements the last few years here at Lookout Pass Ski & Recreation Area.
This NEW Eagle Peak Terrain is awesome and offers 1,650ft of total vertical when skied all the way back to the base of chair 2. A nice mix of Upper Intermediate and expert terrain as well as some nicely gladed trails await.